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Department Bonding__________
Thursday, Oct. 07, 2004 at 10:01 pm

Department Bonding__________

Thursday, Oct. 07, 2004 - 10:01 pm

The P.T. department (all four of us) went out to lunch today. And we talked. It may be the last time we get to do this, so I enjoyed it very much.

JR will be leaving to Texas before November 1st, as that is when he starts his new job. And Terra had a very promising job interview today after work. I hope that works out for her.

It did inspire to get off my ass and finally fax those resume's out. It cost me $16 that I don't really have, but I hope something positive comes out of it. It'll be me and Lorelei. And who knows how long that will be a true statement. She's also looking for a new job.

May we all find something that truly makes us happy.

Just Another Day__________

Wednesday, Oct. 06, 2004 - 10:42 pm

It's late. I really should be getting to sleep now. All of this lack of sleep is going to catch up to me sooner or later. Today was relatively uneventful. Work was nothing special. Except that Terra has a job interview. I hope that everything goes well for her. Kinda jealous that she's probably getting out of there. I need to follow her example and get off my butt.

Bad baseball day again. Starting to flat out, not care anymore. Braves don't make it, they don't make it. There's always next year. Unfortunately that's what the Braves have been saying for the passed 15 years.

Ahhh Spuffy. The happiness. Just wanted to add this for no apparent reason.


Tuesday, Oct. 05, 2004 - 9:19 pm

One thing about the line of work I am in... you tend to get attached to some of your patients. There is one in particular that has sort of been sewn into my heart. I won't name her name, but she is like my second mother. And she had always been very open about me being her favorite. Upon having to say goodbye a couple months ago (due to her visits being over), we had ourselves a good cry. I will miss her.

Happily, she came by to visit today and we had a nice long chat. Brought back some really nice memories. I'd like very much to keep in touch with her if ever I leave this job. She often said I reminded her of one of her daughters, and it's such a good feeling to know that you've helped someone be a little more happy during their pain. Makes it all kind of worth everything else I have put up with at that job.

Car Accident__________

Monday, Oct. 04, 2004 - 8:31 pm

My first car accident. I'm such a klutz. It's my fault, no matter the circumstances, since I hit the other car from behind. It sucks. Dead deer in the road, swirving vehicles, and a dumb bitch who chose to stop in the middle of the road. 'Nuff said.

If you can believe this, the new therapist called in sick today. He had patients to see, and he called in sick. Bad thing? He didn't even do it! He had his WIFE call in for him. How freakin lame is that. If I called in sick on my second day of work, my bum would've gotten fired on the spot. When he didn't show up at 8:00am, Terra and I just laughed and joked: "We probably scared him away!"

Wishful thinking.

Bit of Normalcy__________

Sunday, Oct. 03, 2004 - 6:59 pm

My brother is on his way home. I kinda miss him already. But hey, that's life. He will hopefully be coming back long before the lease on his apartment is up. Having him here caused the whole dynamic of the family to go back to normal. Everyone was getting along, and that hasn't happened often.

Now that baseball is officially over, Dad and I have nothing to fight about. But today was just a breath of refreshing air- everything was back to normal: woke up, went to church, had breakfast together, took a little road trip to Sacramento... It was nice. And now, it's gone.

Tomorrow is going to awkward as fuck at work. So not looking forward to it. The new PT will be there, and so will JR. I just feel like I want to hide behind JR and beg him not to leave. It's just so weird right now. Lorelei, Terra, and I are so on edge lately. But the three of us have bonded in this face of near tragedy. I know, I know. I'm not giving this new guy a fair chance. But I flat out down deal with change too well. Don't know what to do. All I can do is act like a grown-up, and suck it up, Juanita!

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